Who We Serve
Premier Cables provides world-class products and services throughout the globe to an ever growing diverse customer base, including the following sectors:
- Energy & Building Services
- Medium & High Voltage Solutions
- Wind Energy
- Portable Generation
- Fibre Optic
- Data & Telecommunications
- Aerospace & Defense
- Automotive
- Broadcast & Communications
- Entertainment & Stage Lighting
- Cranes, Hoists & Lifts
- Heating & Refrigeration
- Industrial Automation
Market leading products
- Control & Automation
- Energy & Building Services
- Medium & High Voltage
- Elastomerics
- Instrumentation
- Data & Electronics
- Fibre Optics
- Telecommunications
- Solar
- Fire & Security
- Airfield Lighting
- Traffic
- Connectors
- Terminations

Our People
Premier Cables a division of the IEWC group employs over 450 people across the globe who are dedicated to providing an unparalleled customer experience to help ensure the growth of your company.

Our Locations
With nearly 30 locations in 10 countries, IEWC group customers receive the same service levels anywhere in the world.

Our Values
The IEWC group Code of Conduct guides our employees to be mindful of our commitments to each other, our customers, business partners and community.

Environmental Protection
Premier Cables is committed to preventing activities and/or conditions that might pose a threat to the environment. We constantly strive to conserve natural resources and eliminate any releases to water, air and land that may harm human health or the environment.

Recycling & Energy Conservation
Premier Cables local recycling programs, and re-uses and recycles packaging and consumer products whenever possible. We continue to seek environmentally preferred alternatives for packaging materials that are not presently recyclable.
Premier Cables strives to use energy efficiently throughout our operations and we support the wise use of energy by our customers and our suppliers.

Risk Reduction
Premier cables minimizes environmental, health and safety risks to our employees and the communities in which we operate by employing safe technologies and operating procedures. We encourage employees to report any conditions that could be harmful to the environment or pose health or safety hazards, so prompt preventive or corrective actions can be taken.
Modern Slavery is a criminal offence under the Modern Slavery Act 2015
Modern slavery can occur in various forms, including servitude, forced or Compulsory labour and human trafficking, all of which have in common the Deprivation of a person’s liberty by another in order to exploit them for personal or commercial gain.
Premier Cables has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery, we are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in our own business or those of our suppliers.
Premier Cables is committed to ensure there is transparency in our own Business and in our approach to tackling modern slavery through-out our Supply chains, consistent with our disclosure obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2015. We expect the same high standard from all our suppliers and Other business partners and we expect our suppliers to hold their own Suppliers to the same high standards.
All employees have an obligation to familiarize themselves with the procedures to Help in the identification and prevention of modern slavery and to conduct Business in a manner such that the opportunity for and incidence of modern Slavery is prevented.
Whilst recognizing our statutory obligation to set out the steps we have taken To ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in our supply chains, we acknowledge that we do not control the conduct of individuals and organizations in our supply chains.
Our zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery must be communicated to all Suppliers and business partners at the outset of our business relationship With them and reinforced as appropriate thereafter.
Employees – Respecting the values of employees, providing good conditions of work and equal opportunities, improving employee satisfaction and through training, developing their
intellectual capacity for their greater benefit and quality of life.
Health and safety – Embedded in all activities and processes for the provision of a safe working environment, wherever that may be.
Environmental impacts – Managing business development activities in order to maximize on recycling opportunities and minimize the risk of pollution, waste and nuisance to neighbors.
Sustainable development – Long term impacts arising from the communities that the Group interact with including energy efficiency of dwellings, transport, meeting social and economic needs.
Relationships with Customers – Being responsive to customer needs and providing a quality assured service that intrinsically incorporates all relevant legislative considerations.
Suppliers and Partners – Treating suppliers fairly and driving CSR codes of practice throughout the goods and services supply chain.
Community involvement – Charitable giving and engagement with local communities through funding, support and work experience programs.
Ethos – Encouraging high standards of professionalism throughout the company and promoting best practice in respect of ethical behavior.
The Organization’s CSR shall be implemented and maintained through the following key policies:
Quality Assurance Policy
Equal Opportunities & Diversity Policy
Ethical Conduct Policy
Environmental Policy
Health & Safety Policy
Supply Chain Code of Practice
Fair Competition
Whistleblowing Policy